Sunday, April 14, 2013

We've invented a new season… Sprinter!!

Yes, this is a new season in the vocabulary of Minnesotans as we're enduring the Spring that just doesn't want to start… Spring + Winter = Sprinter… don't blame me, I'm not the one that came up with this one - probably a weatherman…

Does this look familiar?  It should… kinda looks like a lot of my recent photos…

We've had rain, sleet, snow, back to sleet, back to rain, back to snow, etc, etc, etc for the last 6 days… Bleck!!  Don't tell me it's pretty, tell me it's going to go away… (even if it is kinda pretty)…

Luckily I work here at home, except that I've only been able to do a few little things because I've been sick… getting better, but not as fast as I'd like :(   And despite working at home there are still errands to run, groceries to buy, … so I have had to drive in this mess… Double-Bleck!!

The birds that have migrated back (some stay) aren't sure what to do…  As you can see my birdbath is frozen over again - it had actually been melted last Monday.

This guy is going to break his beak pecking at this frozen bark trying to get a frozen bug out….

We've had a busy week… our various rehearsals / ministries have kept us occupied, and Jeff's Uncle Bob landed in the hospital with Pneumonia - we visited with him twice, he was sick but in good spirits.

Here's someone who's quite content with the state of things… as long as she has a blanket & (an occasional) lap…. she's definitely an indoor kitty!!  She had more lap from me than usual as I was keeping myself more stationary, trying to let the antibiotics have a chance to get me well… she grew quite accustomed to my frequent nose-blowing…

The good news is that things here are going pretty well - Uncle Bob is getting good care, life is pretty calm, ministry work is moving along, and I'm feeling well enough to get back into the studio (frequent nose-blowing has stopped)…
    …… now if it would just warm up…..

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