Saturday, October 13, 2012

Things settling down...

It's that time of year when things outside start settling down, there's no need to tend the garden anymore, what lives lives, what dies dies, that's just how it goes when you live in this part of the world… and that's ok by me, I love the seasons for their awesome beauty (Thank You Jesus for Creating such a Beautiful World!) but I also love the seasons because it means I get to shift gears into new activities (I get bored easily)…

I wish my photo did the colors justice...

Fall is definitely here, I'm loving it, even on days like today when its rainy outside… it's absolutely beautiful!!

Tomatillos - I think they look like little paper lanterns!

These plants are all dead now… my Tomatillos produce a tremendous bumper-crop that had to be picked a bit early (what was worth bothering to pick) because we had an overnight freeze that would otherwise have ruined the fruit… cleaned and cut up I had 18 cups worth (thats 4 1/2 quarts)… what do you do with all that?

You make Soup of course…. I made a triple batch of my Tomatillo and Chicken Soup (follow link for recipe), and most of it is now in the freezer for future nights when I don't feel like cooking :)

I'm done with my Birthday celebrations, but we had another special day this week… Balloon Day!!  What?  You don't have Balloon Day??  What a shame!!  ;)  Balloon Day is the anniversary of the day Jeff proposed, this was the 9th anniversary of Balloon Day… When Jeff proposed he did it in the middle of a room he'd filled with 750 Red / White / Pink balloons, so I guess it's Jeff's fault (or to his credit) that we have Balloon Day.  We love celebrating special days like this!!

Another fun thing I did this week was I went back to my favorite Fall market… Bergmann's… They have a special going on their winter squash, a Bushel Basket full for $20 - I ended up with one 50 pounds of winter squash for $20 - a steal in anyone's book!!  What do you do with so much squash… a lot more than just soup!!  Check out my cooking blog (Losing It In The Kitchen) to see what I've been up to with squash (and other things) in the kitchen.

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