Monday, April 16, 2012

White Fluffy Things in the Air...

This morning the white fluffy things were snowflakes (grrr!)… but luckily it doesn't seem to have discouraged my blooms…  and it certainly wasn't discouraging the birds (they were singing like crazy).

Daffodil, not quite all the way open...
This evening the white fluffy things were fluff from Cottonwood trees (GRRR!)… but this too shall pass…

So what was I to do on a cold gloomy day… I definitely needed to get out of my early morning funk (trust me, I was a grump)… my first thought was Coffee, that was pretty easy, but didn't solve my funk…

Chocolate Bacon Breakfast Cookies
Then Susan came by, she's always so cheerful, and just having someone to talk to made a big difference (thanks Susan)…

Later I decided Chocolate couldn't hurt, so I played around a bit with a new experimental recipe for Chocolate Bacon Breakfast Cookies… they turned out pretty good...

Told you it was muddy :)
Finally I decided I just had to get my hands dirty, I did that by making mud in my laundry room… ok, I was planting seeds, but it was a muddy job…

Chicken Juicy Lucy's for dinner with my sweet hubby Jeff, and all seemed much better…

I practiced a bit of my choral music, and got a couple tough musical passages resolved in my mind...

Not a perfect day, but one full of God's blessings anyway.  All in all, ended up being a pretty good day :)  who knew?

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